Vintage passive EQ: PTEq-X by Ignite Amps

PTEq-X è un vintage passive eq che ci viene offerto da Ignite Amps, fra i migliori effetti VST e Audio Unit. Plugin per Ableton Cubase MOTU Digital Performer Bitwig e tutti gli host compatibili con lo standard Virtual Studio Technology. Dopo le caratteristiche ?? indicato il collegamento al sito di Ignite Amps per scaricare sul tuo computer il file del VST.

Caratteristiche principali:

PTEq-X is a digital emulation of 3 famous vintage passive program equalizers.

It has been developed to have all the characteristics of the original hardware, plus some circuit improvements and additional features to increase its versatility. Every single component on the signal path of the real analog circuit has been taken into account and modeled in the best possible way to match the original sound, keeping an eye on CPU performance and real-time playability at the same time. PTEq-X is meant to be used as a studio equalizer for tracking, mixing and mastering inside hosts capable of VST or AU Plug-Ins support.

Three different equalization modules with perfectly analog curve response even at highest frequencies.
Ignite Amps 3rd generation triode stage analog modeling for 4 different tube types.
Additional selectable frequencies for the PEQ1A model, compared to the original design.
Refined filters frequency precision for the MQ5 and H3C models, compared to the original design.
Switchable equalizers and tube stage modeling for better CPU usage management.
Switchable linear phase oversampling for aliasing reduction.
Global input / output level controls.
Mono / Stereo processing support.
Double precision (64-bit) floating point mathematical tube models.
Fully automatable controls.
Ignite Amps proprietary preset management system with bank file import/export functions.

Formato del Plugin:
32 bit
64 bit

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Scarica il plugin PTEq-X dal sito del developer - Ignite Amps: Free Download

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